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Should You Invest or Pay Your Debt?

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In the event of a financial windfall, an immediate question that springs to the mind of most is whether to invest that extra cash or pay off existing debts instead. Depending on the situation, either option can be a reasonable strategy. In some cases, doing a combination of paying off debt and investing can also make sense. Today, we will list some of the key factors that should inform the decision to invest or pay down debt. Read More

Types of Annuities You Need to Know

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An annuity offers a way to supplement your income if you already have adequate retirement savings accounts or are simply looking for a way to guarantee monetary distributions over a period of time. Annuities can be useful for supplementing your income on a regular basis outside of a traditional stocks and bonds portfolio. While annuities have some potential drawbacks such as their illiquidity, their benefits are attractive to certain types of investors. There are a few different types of annuities. Today, we will help you understand what they are and how they work. Read More

The Financial Planning Process: How Does it Work?

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As individuals begin their process of financial planning, they may find it useful to understand the general roadmap a financial advisor follows in developing a financial plan, implementing that plan, and monitoring it as time goes on. While different financial advisors will take somewhat different approaches to meet their clients’ needs, generally, the financial planning process is composed of six steps that can help clients easily understand where they are on their financial planning journey and where they are headed. Read More

5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor in the First Meeting

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When searching for a reliable, effective, and trustworthy financial advisor, it is important to establish a baseline level of confidence. To gain that confidence, there are several questions you can ask a potential advisor. Today, we will run down some common questions to ask your financial advisor when first meeting them to establish a baseline level of confidence and hopefully foster a strong and beneficial working relationship. Read More

What is Financial Independence?

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Financial independence is a goal that most people prioritize but often fail to reach. Why do so many people fall short of achieving true financial independence? The first part of the answer to this question may be that most people do not have a proper understanding of what it means to be financially independent, and therefore lack a proper plan to achieve that independence. Today, we will outline what constitutes financial independence as well as a few things that can help you to work toward your financial goals. Read More

Early Retirement: Pros, Cons, and Considerations

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Everyone thinks about retiring early. The thought of being able to pull yourself out of the grind, settle down and enjoy yourself is alluring. But for many, retiring early seems impossible, while others question whether it is as good a thing as it seems. Today, we will go over some of the pros and cons of early retirement. We’ll also point out some issues every individual should consider when they think about whether or not to retire early. Read More

The Pros and Cons of Long Term and Short-Term Investing

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If you are considering entering the stock market and investing, you will have to decide upon your preferred trading strategy beforehand. In general, there are long-term investors and short-term investors. The two approaches have different goals, benefits, and risks attached that any newcomer to the market should understand.

While a balanced portfolio ideally is comprised of both long- and short-term investments, many individuals want to focus their investments heavily on one or the other. By learning what the differences are between long-term and short-term investing, you can hopefully determine what your preferred strategy is based upon your specific character and needs. Read More

Why is Estate Planning Important?

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Everyone seems to know that retirement planning is important. Preparing your nest egg, saving for your children’s college funds, and many other activities seem so natural and obvious that many people do not ever stop to wonder why they are doing them at all. But estate planning is, often enough, not considered equally as important. Saving and preparing for your eventual passing, or your unexpected incapacitation, does not seem to inspire the same sort of dedication and interest as other financial priorities. Nonetheless, estate planning is a critical component of securing your financial health, and today we will help you understand why. Here are just a few reasons why estate planning is important. Read More